camo coffee logo in black




Project Type

Branding a coffee start-up with two ex-servicemen with PTSD


The founders

My Contribution

Creative direction
Brand strategy
Brand development
Custom identity (logos)
Brand style guidelines


Two Vets who both have PTSD got together in the hope of inspiring people to improve their mental and physical health through good coffee, chat and fitness while supporting relevant charities.


The brand process is below, but you can see an in-depth version on my process page in the footer. This project was done entirely remote.


Their mission is to supply the best ethically sourced coffee and bring like-minded people together to promote mental, physical and spiritual wellness.

worn camo coffee logo on a t shirt

Creative Journey


Brand Identity

Logo development

Three elements to my logo designs

After the discovery phase, we identified three core values on which to base the logo system. 

Mindfulness / Adventurous / Efficiency

They wanted to get across that just because they are ex-military doesn’t mean they’re bulletproof. Mental health plays a massive part in the military and doesn’t get discussed enough. The branding needed to reach out to fellow servicemen and women and make everyone feel welcome, so the logo needed to get that across but also have a ‘we get shi*t done and love to be adventurous’ vibe.

Above are some sketches and development. Part of the development process is to see what doesn’t work and what could work.

Final logo package.

The discovery & sketches illustrate how we got to this point. The logo is completely custom drawn, bold, simple to read and slightly rough around the edges.

This will work on many applications because it’s balanced with or without the box. It’s curvy & well spaced, it brings that openness and relaxed vibe too, but it can also look tough and efficient when needed.

camo logo on coffee packaging surrounded by coffee beans
hat with embedded icon logo
cup of camo coffee by the mountain lake

Brand Style Guide

Having the brand and style guides at the start of your business sets the tone from the beginning and creates fewer costs.





camo coffee limited edition logo in black
camo coffee limited edition logo in orange
camo coffee limited edition logo in navy
camo coffee limited edition logo in white


AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890

I decided on Poppins for the primary typeface as I believe it has a mild strength, which plays into their core values.

Designed by Indian Type Foundry, Jonny Pinhorn.